Personal dashboard: Users

If you need to provide access to your Qrator Labs account for multiple employees at once, you can create several user accounts. All employees' accounts are linked to the same account that was set up for the company. You can manage accounts in the Users section of your account.

Different user accounts can be granted different access rights in the dashboard, see the Groups section description.


In the default configuration, only users in the Access Manager group can edit other users' accounts, as well as add and remove user accounts.

Changing the password and enabling two-factor authentication for a user account is only availably to the said user account itself, see My profile.

View list of users

The Users section of the dashboard displays a table with all the account users.

The following columns are available:

  • Name - Last name and first name of the user.

  • Groups - List of groups the user account is included into.

  • Contact details — User's email address.

View user details

In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click on the user's name. The page that opens will display information about that user.

The information fields are divided into three groups.

  • Basic information

    • First name and Last name of the user.
    • Groups - List of groups the user account is included into.
  • Contact details

    • Email address specified when creating the user account.
    • Skype — User's Skype ID for instant communication (if specified).
    • Phone number, Extension number, Mobile phone - Details for instant communication by phone (if specified).
  • Language settings

    • Language - Dashboard interface language for the user.

Edit user information

  1. In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click on the user.

  2. In the User information block, click .

  3. Edit user information.

    • First name and Last name of the user.
    • Skype - User's Skype ID for instant communication (optional).
    • Phone number, Extension number, Mobile phone - Details for instant communication by phone (optional).
  4. Click Save.

Edit user groups

  1. In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click on the particular user.

  2. In the User information block, click .

  3. In the Groups section, edit the list.

    To add a group to the list, click its name in the dropdown list. To search for the desired group, type its name in the text field.

    To delete a group from the list, click the X mark next to its name.

  4. Click Save.


    If you've changed the groups for the account you are logged in with, refresh the page to fully apply the changes.

Edit user language preferences

  1. In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click on the particular user.

  2. In the User information block, click .

  3. Set the required settings.

    • Language - Dashboard interface language for the user.

    • Report language - Language for generating reports that the user will receive by email. If you don't want the user to be receiving reports, select Don't send.

  4. Click Save.

Create a user account

  1. In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click Create user.

  2. In the dialog box that appears, enter the user's details.

    The information fields are divided into four groups.

    • Basic information.

      • First name and Last name of the user.
    • Contact details

      • Email address - Will be used for logging in, as well as for sending notifications and reports.
      • Skype - User's Skype ID for instant communication (optional).
      • Phone number, Extension number, Mobile phone - Details for instant communication by phone (optional).
    • Groups

      • Selected groups — List of groups the user account should be included into.

        To add a group to the list, click its name in the dropdown list. To search for the desired group, type its name in the text field.

        To delete a group from the list, click the X mark next to its name.

    • Language settings.

      • Language - Dashboard interface language for the user.
  3. Click Save.

    A message containing a link to set a password will be sent to the user's email address.

Disable two-factor authentication

If one of the users enabled two-factor authentication in the account, but subsequently loses access to the application generating the temporary codes, then a user with an edit access to Users/Groups Sections can disable two-factor authentication for that user.


Before taking this action, make sure, using trusted means of communication, that the request to disable two-factor authentication actually comes from the user himself.

  1. In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click the name of the user you want to disable two-factor authentication for.

  2. In the Account is protected block, click Disable.

  3. Enter the code and click Confirm.

    After that, the user will be able to log in to the account with just username and password. If necessary they will be able to enable two-factor authentication again by themselves.

Reset user password

  1. Under Users in your account, click the name of the user you want to reset password for.

  2. In the Password reset block, click Reset password.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, confirm the action by clicking Reset Password.

    A password reset link will be sent to the user by email.

Delete user

  1. In the Users section of the personal dashboard, click the name of the user you want to delete.

  2. In the Delete user block, click Delete account.

  3. In the dialog box that appears, confirm the action by clicking Delete account.