This section of the dashboard:
- is accessible only for domains; see Overview of the dashboard interface.
- can be edited only by users with Technical role and viewed only by users with Admin role. See Users.
In this personal dashboard section, you can manage multiple types of services on your Qrator Labs account. The list of services defines how the users' requests will be routed to your upstreams.
Each service represents:
- one port on your Qrator IP for connecting to the users,
- one or more IP addresses and ports for connecting to the upstreams.
The following service types are available:
- HTTP — reverse HTTP proxy,
- WebSocket — reverse WebSocket proxy,
- TCP Proxy — reverse TCP proxy in the Proxy Protocol mode,
- TCP — tunneling.
Note that the Services
interface is not intended for using from multiple devices or browser tabs simultaneously. If someone has modified the data after you started working in the section, Qrator Labs will display a message about the conflict. In such a case, click Save to confirm entering your data (overwriting any changes made by the other user), or click Cancel to reset your changes and reload the latest data.
View list of services
To view the list of services configured for the domain:
In the Domains section of the dashboard, select the particular domain.
Select Network → Services.
The upstreams configured the domain will be displayed as a table.
For each service, the following is displayed:
The service type.
The port number at the Qrator IP.
Names or addresses of the upstreams. If more than three upsttreams are configured for a service, click to see the full list.
Symbols representing additional features of the service:
- — an unencrypted reverse HTTP proxy,
- — an encrypted reverse HTTP proxy,
- HTTP/2 — a reverse HTTP proxy with the HTTP/2 protocol support,
- — a service with a whitelist-only access.
To quickly find entries, use the filter field above the list. You can enter the following details in the filter:
- Protocol name, e.g.,
- Open port number, e.g.,
- Upstream's name, IP address, or port number, e.g.,
Configure a HTTP service
A service of the HTTP
type defines parameters for the reverse HTTP proxy. The proxy accepts users' requests to a one port at the Qrator IP and sends them to one of the upstreams, according to the selected balancing algorithm.
When configuring the service, you can enable the TLS encryption for processing the users' requests or for connecting to the upstreams. Note that to enable TLS for processinf the users' requests, you must have at least one certificate added to the Certificate storage and installed in the TLS section of the domain settings.
To add or edit a service of the HTTP
In the Domains section of the dashboard, select the particular domain.
Select Network → Services.
Click Add for configuring a new service or click next to a previously added service to edit it.
When adding a new service, specify the
type. -
Specify the general settings for the service.
Port — port number to which a user connects.
Use TLS — process requests using HTTPS, not HTTP. This setting is available if the domain has at least one TLS certificate installed.
Use HTTP/2 — process request made using the HTTP/2 protocol. This setting is available if the domain has at least one TLS certificate installed, and the Use TLS option is enabled.
Whitelist-only access — reset connections from IP addresses not included in the whitelist.
Click Upstream settings.
A dialog will appear for managing the upstreams lists and balancing settings.
In the top part of the dialog, specify the general load balancing settings.
Balancing algorithm. This setting affects how the reverse HTTP proxy would select upstream where incoming requests from the user would be sent to.
- Round-robin: the reverse proxy will try to ensure even load distribution between enabled upstreams. Different requests from the same user may go to different upstreams.
- IP hash: the reverse proxy will assign an upstream to a user as long as that upstream is available.
Use weights. If this option is enabled, you can specify a weight for each upstream to influence distribution of requests. Upstream weights are interpreted differently depending on the algorithm you use. The effect of weights on the performance of balancing algorithms is described more in Upstream selection algorithms. If the option is disabled, the weights of all upstreams are considered equal.
Use TLS — use the encrypted HTTPS protocol for connecting to the upstreams.
Fallback upstreams If this option is enabled, reverse HTTP proxy will switch from the primary list to the fallback list when upstreams from the primary list are unavailable. The switching principle is described in Switching between upstream lists. If the option is disabled, fallback upstreams are not used even if the primary ones are unavailable.
Configure the upstreams for the service. You can organize independent primary and backup lists of upstreams. Note that there must always be at least one upstream in the primary list — you won't be able to apply the changes otherwise.
To add an upstream, click Add upstream next to a list. In a dialog that appears, specify the IP address, the port and, optionally, the name for the upstream. For convenience, you can fill the form with another upstream's data: click , then click on an IP address (to copy the name and IP address without the port) or a port (to copy all the data). If you want to temporarily exclude the upstream from the balancing algorithm, uncheck the Enabled checkbox. To finish editing and go back to the previous dialog, click Add.
To move an upstream from one list to another or change its position in the list, drag and drop the corresponding card.
To edit an upstream, click
on its card, make the neccessary changes and click OK.
To delete an upstream from a list, click
on its card.
Click Save in the service settings dialog.
If you close the dialog without clicking this button, the changes will be lost.
If necessary, add or edit other services before saving the changes. To save the changes, click Save in the notification at the bottom of the screen.
Configure a WebSocket service
A service of the WebSocket
type defines parameters for the reverse WebSocket proxy. The proxy accepts users' requests to a one port at the Qrator IP and sends them to one of the upstreams, according to the IP hash algorithm.
When configuring the service, you can enable the TLS encryption for processing the users' requests or for connecting to the upstreams. Note that to enable TLS for processinf the users' requests, you must have at least one certificate added to the Certificate storage and installed in the TLS section of the domain settings.
To add or edit a service of the WebSocket
In the Domains section of the dashboard, select the particular domain.
Select Network → Services.
Click Add for configuring a new service or click next to a previously added service to edit it.
When adding a new service, specify the
type. -
Specify the general settings for the service.
Port — port number to which a user connects.
Use TLS — process requests using HTTPS, not HTTP. This setting is available if the domain has at least one TLS certificate installed.
Whitelist-only access — reset connections from IP addresses not included in the whitelist.
Click Upstream settings.
A dialog will appear for managing the upstreams lists.
In the top part of the dialog, check the Use TLS checkbox if you need to use the encrypted HTTPS protocol for connecting to the upstreams.
Configure the upstreams for the service. You can organize independent primary and backup lists of upstreams. Note that there must always be at least one upstream in the primary list — you won't be able to apply the changes otherwise.
To add an upstream, click Add upstream next to a list. In a dialog that appears, specify the IP address, the port and, optionally, the name for the upstream. For convenience, you can fill the form with another upstream's data: click , then click on an IP address (to copy the name and IP address without the port) or a port (to copy all the data). If you want to temporarily exclude the upstream from the balancing algorithm, uncheck the Enabled checkbox. To finish editing and go back to the previous dialog, click Add.
To move an upstream from one list to another or change its position in the list, drag and drop the corresponding card.
To edit an upstream, click
on its card, make the neccessary changes and click OK.
To delete an upstream from a list, click
on its card.
Click Save in the service settings dialog.
If you close the dialog without clicking this button, the changes will be lost.
If necessary, add or edit other services before saving the changes. To save the changes, click Save in the notification at the bottom of the screen.
Configure a TCP Proxy service
A service of the TCP Proxy
type defines parameters for the reverse TCP proxy in the Proxy Protocol mode. The proxy accepts users' requests to a one port at the Qrator IP and sends them to one of the upstreams. The algorithm for switching upstreams can be configured by the Qrator Labs technical support team, see Switching between upstreams.
To add or edit a service of the TCP Proxy
In the Domains section of the dashboard, select the particular domain.
Select Network → Services.
Click Add for configuring a new service or click next to a previously added service to edit it.
When adding a new service, specify the
TCP Proxy
type. -
Specify the general settings for the service.
Port — port number to which a user connects.
Whitelist-only access — reset connections from IP addresses not included in the whitelist.
Click Upstream settings.
A dialog will appear for managing the upstreams lists.
Configure the upstreams for the service. You can organize independent primary and backup lists of upstreams. Note that there must always be at least one upstream in the primary list — you won't be able to apply the changes otherwise.
To add an upstream, click Add upstream next to a list. In a dialog that appears, specify the IP address, the port and, optionally, the name for the upstream. For convenience, you can fill the form with another upstream's data: click , then click on an IP address (to copy the name and IP address without the port) or a port (to copy all the data). If you want to temporarily exclude the upstream from the balancing algorithm, uncheck the Enabled checkbox. To finish editing and go back to the previous dialog, click Add.
To move an upstream from one list to another or change its position in the list, drag and drop the corresponding card.
To edit an upstream, click
on its card, make the necessary changes and click OK.
To delete an upstream from a list, click
on its card.
Click Save in the service settings dialog.
If you close the dialog without clicking this button, the changes will be lost.
If necessary, add or edit other services before saving the changes. To save the changes, click Save in the notification at the bottom of the screen.
Configure a TCP service
A service of the TCP
type defines port forwarding for tunneling.
To add or edit a service of the TCP
In the Domains section of the dashboard, select the particular domain.
Select Network → Services.
Click Add for configuring a new service or click next to a previously added service to edit it.
When adding a new service, specify the
type. -
Specify the settings for the service.
Port — port number to which a user connects.
Upstream — the IP address and port number for connecting to the upstream.
Upstream — the IP address and port number for connecting to the upstream.
Whitelist-only access — reset connections from IP addresses not included in the whitelist.
Click Save in the service settings dialog.
If you close the dialog without clicking this button, the changes will be lost.
If necessary, add or edit other services before saving the changes. To save the changes, click Save in the notification at the bottom of the screen.
Delete a service
In the Domains section of the dashboard, select the particular domain.
Select Network → Services.
Find a service and click next to it.
To save the changes, click Save in the notification at the bottom of the screen.